A Lucid Dream and the Upcoming Eclipses

It isn’t unusual for me to have vivid dreams, but some feel more meaningful than others. Last night’s dream was so layered that it struck a chord. I’ve shared the details of the dream below, as well as some insights into the astrological energies unfolding through the upcoming eclipses.

The dream begins at a party on the roof of a hotel. The vibe is swanky and social, but something puts me on alert. I am worried about a family member being exploited and I’m honing in on someone at the party having deviant and inappropriate motives. I become offended and upset that nobody else is bothered or concerned for this family member. What I feared was happening would be severely traumatizing if true, yet people implied that because there was no proof that anything occurred, nothing could be done. I couldn’t articulate that we are responsible for preventing harm, not just reacting to it after-the-fact. This caused a division, and I left the party to follow my instincts and ensure this family member was safe.

In the next scene, I am on a desert hill in Phoenix, Arizona, looking into a glass mansion from afar. I can see into the room of the family member I am worried about, as well as the room of the person I do not trust. My fear mounts and time is of the essence now. I do not have proof but know undoubtedly that this family member is in danger. In the adrenaline of trying to keep this person safe, I decide to enter the house.

In the next scene I am now standing in the foyer of the glass mansion. It is opulent and striking. At the end of the foyer is a Bengal tiger standing in a fountain. Intuitively I know that the person I do not trust has shapeshifted into this Tiger. I freeze to remain unnoticed but also realize that I am not safe and need to leave. When I turn to exit, a brown grizzly bear is standing in the doorway of the glass mansion. It does not see me, its gaze instead fixated on a large bubble floating in the fountain. The Tiger is no longer visible.

Bear approaches the fountain, mesmerized by the iridescent bubble, and finally sticks its head into the water. I know at this point that this is a trap, but can now access Bear’s point of view. With its head submerged in the water, we (Bear and I) see that the fountain is actually a pool that extends below the entirety of the glass mansion. It cannot be seen from above; it is accessed only by merging with the water.

As Bear, I see Tiger swimming in circles off in the distance of the pool, Cirque du Soleil style. Almost instantly, I shift back to watching the scene as an observer and see Tiger bite Bear’s head, pulling Bear into the water. I decide to leave the glass mansion because I cannot watch the carnage.

I return to the rooftop party and tell my husband what unfolded. I am very upset and my heart is aching with grief. I suspect Bear will die and express this fear. My husband replies that Bear has everything it needs and will win, citing the fact that Bear can stand upright on its own two feet, a skill no tiger has.

In the next scene, I am standing outside of the same house but it’s no longer a glass mansion. It is a single-story suburban home made of beige stucco. There is a Black woman on the street beside me, dressed in work clothes and slippers, and we walk through the house together. She walks behind me the entire time letting me lead the way and I trust her; I find her energy calming and her slippers endearing.

The house is stark white on the inside and completely empty. The only distinguishing detail I can see are circles on the carpet from being cleaned. This detail tells me that the house is for sale and that Tiger was defeated. The house is no longer its home. I realize, too, that the house is a maze I already know my way through; the woman and I have walked through it together before.

In my third eye I see Bear walking upright on two legs as the woman and I reach a corner exit in the home. White light glows from the other side. We walk through it and I awaken.

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra

On March 25, 2024, the lunar eclipse brings emotions to the surface. We may find ourselves surrounded by people who want to look away from danger for the sake of peace and appearances. In our own way, for our own reasons, we may also play that role. At its core, Libra is where we learn balance, diplomacy, and justice. Its shadow energy can entail looking away from conflict for the sake of preserving a sense of peace or harmony. We can be tempted to believe that if we keep conversations and relationships beautiful and pleasant on the surface, that is enough to make them so. If balance is being achieved by staying quiet and muting one’s intuition, then balance does not actually exist at all. What one actually has is a mirage, the iridescent bubble that leads Bear straight into danger.

What is meaningful in this, however, is that the bubble is also the doorway into the pools of transformation. As we submerge our head into what lies beneath an aesthetic, we’re met with depth and perspective. This is a lunation for inner-work, separation, and honesty. Tenderness will be a life raft, so give yourself the space and time needed to integrate the experiences.

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The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries

The solar eclipse on April 8th, 2024 is when we remember that, like Bear, our power returns when we walk upright on our own two feet. It may not seem logical initially (because how does walking upright actually get a tiger to release its grip?) but our experience of fear changes when we remember what we’re capable of, and we can come to see things more objectively. A glass mansion is now a suburban home like every other home on the same street. A ferocious and ancient hunter can’t actually survive without manipulation, which isn’t really an indicator of strength or power.

When we see people and experiences for who and what they are, in entirety, our understanding of power changes, too. The solar eclipse is a lunation for anchoring courage and honoring your truth(s). There will be something during this new moon cycle that prompts us to stand upright on our own two feet.

Final Thoughts & Considerations

However these energies unfold in your world, I sense that we may work with the big lessons twice, as I did in the dream — I first left the glass mansion in fear and overwhelmed by grief. Upon realizing Bear’s power, I was able to move through the same space because my perspective of it had transformed. Alongside me in the journey was a calm, accepting presence (in slippers), a higher self, guide, ancestor, angel.

There are guardians among us, trust in that. And trust in yourself because somehow or another, you know the way out of your own maze.

Catherine Wilson

Cat is a hypnotist, astrologer, and energy healing practitioner. She has built a unique practice that combines her background in public health and research methods with her spiritual intrigue and interests. She has more than 12 years of experience weaving the worlds of logic and reason with spirituality and mysticism. She believes it is at the intersection of logic and intuition that profound change occurs.


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