Hypnotherapy with Cat Wilson

Rewire Your Mind.
Transform Your Life.

Hypnotherapy is one of those tools that can help with just about anything. Evidence-based and endorsed by the American Medical Association (AMA), hypnotherapy offers us a gentle and non-invasive tool for rewiring old beliefs and patterns.

How does Hypnosis Work?

Hypnosis works by calming the mind. In a hypnotherapy session, we reach the deepest state of relaxation available while still being awake — a state called Theta. In Theta, we can receive ideas and suggestions without the mental chatter and resistance that our brains like to interject.

If you’ve ever successfully reached a state of calm or stillness from meditation, exercise, or a refreshing walk in nature, you’ve gotten close to where we go in hypnosis. We go a tad deeper and then use repetition to encourage the mind towards more helpful patterns and thoughts. Because the mind is subdued, it is more agreeable to what can be and less stubborn about what has been.

Imagine you have a big interview for a job you’re really excited about. In hypnosis, we turn off the part of the brain that likes to sabotage us — the part that says, “there’s so many more qualified people,” or “I’m terrible at interviewing,” or, “the economy is terrible right now.” Once quiet, we then tell the mind what is also true — things like, “People always tell me that I’m a hard worker and great colleague,” or, “I’ve actually nailed interviews in the past.”

With repetition, we teach the brain which beliefs are more logical and worth remembering.

What Hypnotherapy Can Help

The sky’s the limit, but here’s what I have dedicated blog posts about so far.

Sessions are available virtually or in-person in Wilmington, NC.

Upcoming Group Hypnosis Offerings

Every quarter, I offer an in-person group hypnosis workshop. Learn more about them + register below.

🌟Upcoming Group Hypnosis Options

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