How to Become Reiki Certified: A Guide.

If you're considering embarking on the journey to becoming a certified Reiki practitioner, it's essential to understand the process and what it entails. As a Reiki Master Teacher, I’ve helped many students gain Reiki certification and grow their confidence as practitioners and in their private spiritual practice. Let's illuminate the path to Reiki certification, step-by-step, with a clear set of terms to guide you on your transformative journey.

1. Initiation (Level 1 Reiki Certification):

The first step on your Reiki journey begins with initiation. During this foundational level, you'll receive attunements from a Reiki Master, opening your energy channels to the flow of healing energy. What is an attunement?

  • Attunement: The process through which a Reiki Master transmits Reiki energy to the student, enabling them to channel healing energy. Think of this as your Reiki antenna strengthening; it opens you energetically to match the vibrational frequency of Reiki.

2. Deepening Practice (Level 2 Reiki Certification):

In Level 2, you deepen your understanding and practice of Reiki, expanding your ability to work with energy. Terms to know:

Symbols are everywhere.

  • Symbols: Sacred symbols taught in Level 2 that amplify and focus Reiki energy for specific purposes, such as healing past traumas or sending energy across distances. Symbols carry profound energetic imprints, and connecting to the Reiki symbols is another way for your psychic antenna to perceive Reiki and come into a spiritual relationship with it.

  • Distance Healing: Techniques for sending Reiki energy to people, situations, or events regardless of their physical location. In Reiki 2, we learn about distance healing conceptually and put it into practice. This is one of my favorite uses of Reiki because it allows me to feel a healing energy with the bigger world around me. Once attuned to Reiki, one can send the energy and healing to the earth, places of conflict, and even our future and past selves!

3. Mastery and Service (Reiki Master/Teacher Level):

The pinnacle of the Reiki journey, the Master/Teacher level, signifies mastery and a commitment to serving others. Terms to know:

  • Master/Teacher Attunement: Attunements received at this level deepen your connection to Reiki energy and empower you to attune others to Reiki.

  • Teaching Responsibility: Embracing the responsibility of passing on the Reiki tradition, mentoring students, and upholding the ethics and principles of Reiki.

Use of the term “Master”

The term “Master” is controversial to me as a practitioner, as it can imply a hierarchy and power structure between teacher and student. This is the term collectively agreed upon by holistic healing circles and so it serves as a helpful way of understanding one’s expertise and education within a particular discipline. However, it is important for me ethically to discern that hierarchies are not healthy in a spiritual practice. Aside from helping us collectively understand one’s educational experience, the term “Master” is irrelevant. It does not inherently imply a more ascended, evolved, or woke practitioner.

We are all teachers and students somewhere in life.

Benefits of Reiki Certification:

  1. Holistic Wellness: Reiki promotes balance and harmony on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels, supporting overall well-being.

  2. Stress Reduction: Regular Reiki practice induces relaxation, reduces stress, and fosters inner peace and calmness.

  3. Personal Growth: The journey to Reiki certification fosters self-awareness, spiritual growth, and a deeper understanding of oneself and others.

  4. Healing Community: Certified Reiki practitioners join a supportive community of like-minded individuals dedicated to healing and personal transformation.


Embarking on the path to Reiki certification is a journey of self-discovery, healing, and service. By understanding the terms and stages of Reiki training, you can navigate this transformative journey with clarity and purpose. Whether you're drawn to Reiki for personal healing, professional development, or spiritual growth, the rewards are profound. If you are feeling called to explore it further, I encourage you to keep researching and find a practitioner with whom you’d like to study.

I offer Reiki certification 1-2 times per year, and you can check my Upcoming Events page to see if there are upcoming dates.

Catherine Wilson

Cat is a hypnotist, astrologer, and energy healing practitioner. She has built a unique practice that combines her background in public health and research methods with her spiritual intrigue and interests. She has more than 12 years of experience weaving the worlds of logic and reason with spirituality and mysticism. She believes it is at the intersection of logic and intuition that profound change occurs.

Understanding Vibrational Frequency


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