The Different Types of Psychic “Clairs” and How They Work.
Intuitive and psychic communication can take many forms. From gut instincts to third eye visions to hearing certain songs and seeing angel numbers, humans are programmed to find creative ways to hear their instincts and intuition.
Among the most well-known of these intuitive (or dare I say “psychic”?) skills are the various “Clairs” — these are different ways the intuitive senses can communicate, allowing us to perceive information beyond the physical world. This is the stuff we know or sense very strongly, but can’t easily explain, prove, or measure. Because we can’t prove these sorts of experiences definitively, we’ve learned to doubt or ignore these signals when they come through. Each “Clair” taps into a different form of intuitive perception, akin to how our traditional five senses work in the physical realm.
I like to think about intuition as a muscle, and each of the Clairs are like tendons and ligaments, tinier expressions of the muscle that help it do its job. It’s very common for each individual to lead with one or two Clairs, with the others occurring less often, if ever. The more we use our intuition and acknowledge and honors its expressions, however, the stronger it gets over time. I’ve outlined each of the Clairs below — which ones have you experienced?
1. Clairvoyance (Clear Seeing)
The term Clairvoyance comes from the French words meaning ‘clear vision.’ It is the intuitive or psychic ability to receive information through images, visions, or mental pictures. A clairvoyant may see symbols, colors, or even fully formed images that provide insight into the past, present, or future.
How clairvoyance manifests:
Clairvoyance can take the form of vivid dreams, spontaneous visions, or daydreams that provide significant meaning. Some may even perceive these visions with their physical eyes, such as when people can see auras or form connections to angel numbers. Most seem to be seen in the mind’s eye, or third eye. A visual received in the mind during meditation or while in nature is a common expression of clairvoyance.
2. Clairaudience (Clear Hearing)
Clairaudience is the ability to hear messages. This can take the form of hearing voices, sounds, or music that goes unnoticed or unheard by others. These messages can come from spirit guides, angels, or loved ones who have passed on, or the Higher Self.
How it manifests:
Those with this ability may hear a soft voice in their mind guiding them, or they may hear sounds, such as ringing, chimes, or music, that have significance to the situation at hand. It’s important to note that clairaudience is often subtle and can be mistaken for one’s own thoughts. Clairaudient people often receive guidance through words, phrases, internal dialogue, or song lyrics or quotes that seem to randomly come to mind. It can also take the form of strong instruction, such as, “Don’t take that road” or “Double-check your receipt.”
3. Clairsentience (Clear Feeling)
Perhaps one of the most empathic of the intuitive gifts is Clairsentience, which involves receiving information through feelings or physical sensations. A clairsentient can pick up on emotions, energy, and even physical sensations that others are experiencing. They are deeply sensitive to the emotional and energetic vibrations around them.
How it manifests:
Clairsentients might feel a sense of heaviness or lightness in their body when in certain environments or around certain people, as if they easily absorb the energies residue of others. They may also experience emotions or physical sensations that are not their own. While this can help them understand what someone else is going through, it can also pose challenges if they become too drained by the experience. This expression is especially common for empaths and highly sensitive people (HSPs).
4. Claircognizance (Clear Knowing)
Claircognizance is the ability to know something without logical reasoning or evidence. People with this gift often receive sudden insights or knowledge that seems to appear out of nowhere. Unlike the other Clairs, claircognizance is more of a gut feeling or an intuitive understanding that is hard to explain but profoundly accurate.
How it manifests:
Claircognizants often experience sudden “aha” moments where a complete understanding of a situation or event becomes clear without prior investigation or information. It may feel like the answer just drops into their mind. Once I was watching a football game and knew the team would fumble the ball on the next play. I said this out loud so I would have witnesses because I just knew. I attribute Claircogizance as akin to having a strong wifi signal. You download things faster than others around you.
5. Clairgustance (Clear Tasting)
A less common but still significant psychic ability, Clairgustance refers to the ability to taste something without it physically being present. This psychic sense can provide insights through taste, often related to someone who has passed away or specific memories.
How it manifests:
People with this ability may taste specific foods or flavors that are connected to a spirit or an event. For example, tasting a favorite food of a deceased loved one can be a sign that their presence is near. I’ve found this to be more relevant within families and communities where food is a cornerstone of the culture, allowing ancestral ties to be activated and tapped into through foods and drinks.
6. Clairalience (Clear Smelling)
Clairalience is the psychic ability to smell scents that are not present in the physical world. This can often be related to the presence of spirits, where a specific smell like perfume, flowers, or smoke is tied to someone who has passed on. Familiar scents that transport us back to relationships or experiences of the past can also catch our attention and then facilitate other psychic Clairs activating to help us retrieve the specific message associated with the smell. Smell is a deeply primal sense, and Clairalience reinforces its power in mystical realms.
How it manifests:
Those with clairalience might suddenly smell a fragrance with no source, such as a loved one’s favorite cologne or the scent of fresh roses in a room without flowers.
How to Discover Your Intutive “Clair”
Everyone has the potential to tap into their intuitive abilities, though certain types of “Clairs” may be stronger than others in different people. If you’re interested in discovering your intuitive language, here are a few beginner steps you can take:
Meditation: Quieting the mind helps to increase awareness and allows for intuitive information to come through. Guided meditations may also help enhance Clairvoyance.
Pay Attention to Your Senses: Notice any sensations, sounds, images, or thoughts that seem unusual or significant. Over time, you may start to recognize a pattern.
Journaling: Keep a psychic journal to track any visions, feelings, or other intuitive experiences. This can help you identify which Clair you are most attuned to, and honors the subtle ways it may be trying to get through.
Guidance and support for incorporating these experiences into a meaningful spiritual narrative is available through my Beyond the Veil: Spiritual Mentoring and Support program, where I work with clients to shape an authentic spiritual path. If you are intrigued about these topics, consider reaching out to learn more about the program.
Understanding the different types of psychic “Clairs” can open a door to deeper self-awareness and spiritual growth. Whether you identify with clairvoyance, clairsentience, or one of the other Clairs, honing your intuitive senses can lead to powerful insights and connections to the world beyond the physical. It’s likely you’re already experiencing some of the list discussed above! Take time to explore which resonate most with you, and you may uncover a new dimension of your inner wisdom.