Snakes on the (Earth) Plane
A channeled message about animals in the midst of evolution.
Animals have been presenting themselves differently, strangely. A recent media flurry conveyed stories of orcas capsizing boats, thousands of dead fish washing ashore in Texas, and animals in Yellowstone National Park charging tourists who stood too closely.
In my own world, the uptick in curious animal behaviors began in February when I came upon a fox sunbathing outside of a storm drain. The spotting itself wasn’t particularly uncommon, as litters appear around this time and storm drains are a safe way to hide young. What was peculiar was the way this fox let me hang out. I filmed it for 10-minutes and watched it for another 10. It dipped into the drain anytime cars drove by, only to re-emerge, make eye contact, and return to its spot in the sun once the street was quiet again.
In late May, two young foxes sat together outside of another storm drain behaving similarly, letting me record until I decided to move on. A few weeks after that, two different foxes appeared on my walk, this time close to the intracoastal. In between these sightings were half a dozen others — a glimpse of a tail out of the corner of my eye, a quick dash across the street, restless pacing in front of my neighbor’s trashcan, and even a brief front porch visit recorded by our Ring camera.
It didn’t strike me as peculiar that an animal known for its evasive tactics was appearing so frequently, or that I’d come to expect their presence. Contrast has a way of putting things into perspective, though, and so when a dead fox appeared on my walk one morning in June, I took notice.
Energetically speaking, this Sunday was different. Stagnant humidity filled the air, and it was eerily quiet. No car drove by, no other humans were out, no squirrels squirreling or bunnies bunny-ing. “The veil feels thinner,” I said at one point.1
It felt like the energy was saying, pay attention, observe.
We approached the Tudor-style home in the neighborhood on a double-lot. Having been cleared of its trees at some point, sunlight now hits the lawn with striking gold hues. A box turtle we’ve come to call Hans is often seen sunbathing in the warmer months. No Hans on this particular morning, but something else caught my eye: A small-to-medium sized something, indistinguishable from the road.
Pay attention.
We investigated. About 40 feet from the road, a lifeless fox rested in the lawn, its signature white-tipped tail distinguishing it from other animals. There were no obvious signs of injury, but with nothing to offer or do, we resumed our walk. Less than 100 yards up, we spotted a Maltese walking alone down a dirt road, no human companion in sight.2
“Are we dead? Is this a dream?” That’s how weird the energy was.
Pay attention.
Later that day I asked if others saw anything strange or different in their worlds. “Something’s off, right?” Nearly all shared that they’d recently seen puzzling behaviors from animals, be it through their own pets or stories from the news. “Do you think something really big is about to happen?” one friend asked.
“I do … but what?”
The more I sat with these conversations and my own encounters, the stronger my intuition said to dig deeper. There was an unnerving feeling that something was trying to be understood but when research into current events brought more questions, I thought about ways to explore it spiritually. I compiled a list of questions, all of which ultimately came back to, “What do the animals need and how can humans help?”
That was, and still is, the aim of this article, and I was met with robust information that went beyond anything I imagined. My hope is that these messages can be considered with open-mindedness and curiosity. As always, use your own discernment and intuition when deciding for yourself what resonates as true. Thank you to all who care about and want to help the animal kingdom. They appreciate you.
What to Know Before We Begin.
I’ve attempted to present this information in a methodical way, but that has its challenges because of the sporadic and fast-moving nature of channeling. To help address this, I’ve included important foundational points below to contextualize material that is discussed in greater depth later in this piece.
Ley lines are a major source of energetic connectivity between non-human animals and Earth. Ley lines have been disproven by science, particularly the theory suggesting ley lines link world heritage sites together, such as Stonehenge to the Great Pyramid of Giza, allowing those civilizations to energetically converse at some point in history. The channeled messages did not confirm or deny ley lines in that particular context — it wasn’t brought up in any capacity. However, it did clearly speak to local ley lines that guide animals to resources and connect them back to the pulse of Earth. Ley lines aren’t just part of the story, they are one of the main players.
Humans have a unique relationship with the planet when compared to other animals. We are arguably the least present in our connection to nature itself. Much of our ‘nature’ or natural surroundings have been replaced by human-made infrastructure and technology. As a collective species, we are less likely to know how to navigate our environments and find resources required to survive than say, a beaver or fox. Ley lines are that source of connectivity that helps ensure survival. Humans can access ley lines, but other creatures are dependent on them. This is foundational to understanding the rest of the channeled message.
Snake was the representative who presented information on behalf of the non-human animal kingdom. The High Priestess (HP) was the representative for humanity. These were identified through the use of tarot and oracle cards. Italicized font denotes a direct quote from that specific source / ally.
The Channeled Message
Earth is an Organism.
Think about Earth the way we think about a human body. Within the human body are intricate systems (e.g., immune system, circulatory system, etc.). Amongst these vast systems is a communication channel, a way for systems to understand each other. This communication channel sends signals through the body to facilitate movement, emotions, and thinking, signals which are then carried out by the applicable system. The communication channel initiates everything – from blinking to hormone production to growing toenails. It is an electrically-charged system and knows what the body needs and how to stay alive. It activates and transports wisdom and consciousness.
Earth works similarly. Humans were depicted as one of many systems in the Earth’s body through this channeled message. Other systems noted were the oceans and rivers (water element), plants and non-human animals (earth element), as well as oxygen and the sky (air element). Ley lines are Earth’s communication channel and similar to the human body, ley lines are electrically-charged (fire element). These ley lines exist all over the world and work with every system in Earth’s body to maintain balance, correct imbalance, and keep the planet alive.
Similar to when the human body sends signals of distress, Earth is capable of doing this through ley lines, prompting a response that works towards equilibrium. Squirrels were given as an example of how this tangibly plays out; their instinct and ‘assignment’ is to plant seeds that become trees. This evolutionary behavior is supportive of the Earth’s respiratory system, as trees produce oxygen and allow Earth to breathe. This purpose given to squirrels is an example of the wisdom and consciousness stored in ley lines. As humans we’ve come to collectively see this behavior as a squirrel being a squirrel, which is true, but there is a silent methodical process behind it that is easily overlooked.
Animals are Evolving, Rapidly.
While Snake is often a controversial creature amongst humans, the information shared in this channeling was so admirable and fascinating. Snake symbolism is multi-faceted. I was shown the image of Snake slithering on the ground and told that, “every slither of its body moves intuitively.”
What we are observing in animals, that which appears strange or concerning at times, is ultimately an intuitive knowingness on their part. A sacred survival instinct, Snake added. This survival instinct is communicated to them through ley lines.
Snake showed me how most of its life is spent physically connected to the Earth. We bring the frequency of ley line wisdom from inside Earth onto the physical realm. We are the conduit. The slithering of our bodies shows the physical patterns of ley lines beneath us. As ley line energy is pulled onto the Earth, energetic trails are left behind that allow other creatures to connect to resources. This materializes through sensory stimulation in animals - think scents, tastes, sounds.
Snake then showed me a crest of honor, one awarded for being of service. Snake was a representative for all animals in this channeling, including the hawk that will someday consume her. There is a disconnect in the human understanding of life, one that creates great spiritual suffering. There is more comradery and connection [amongst animals] than humans understand because your societies are fractured and uprooted from community. Hawks must eat snakes and there is no animosity about it. In fact, it is pertinent that this process occur. Hawks spend most of their lives not touching the ground. By consuming us, the conduits of ley lines, hawks gain additional access to Earth’s consciousness.
This symbiotic relationship creates a network that can sustain itself, and it’s how Earth keeps the animal kingdom in congruence. Yet, there are undeniable challenges facing animals right now, and this is prompting a rapid-cycle evolutionary process within our animal friends. What humans see through strange or peculiar behaviors in the animal kingdom is reflective of this evolution. It has been happening for years but human recognition of it at this time mirrors human consciousness, or the human ability to witness and engage with the natural world around us. In some ways, it’s positive that we’re seeing this unfold.
We are poisoned, Snake continued. We are poisoned by noise. It is so loud that when we connect to the vibrations of Earth, we hear sounds jumbled into that connection. Snake showed me whales in the ocean whose mating calls are disrupted by noise vibrations generated by ships. It’s so loud. Noise pollution is poison to us. Snake then showed me a hawk holding its wings over the entirety of its nest to shield the sounds of airplanes from its young. When [young hawks] are exposed to too much sound and at too young of an age, they cannot hunt the same way. It disrupts eco-systems. Snake highlighted the impact when apex predators like hawks are poisoned by their environments. There is a cascading effect on the whole eco-system, literally from the sky down to the Earth. When the strong are sick, we are all sick.
Disruption to the physical land is also creating issues. Land development blocks our access points, like a clogged artery. While noise pollution disrupts signals between animals and ley lines, over-development of land creates physical barriers between animals and resources. It also cuts off access to ley lines that exist beneath that land once physical buildings are erected in that space.
It is a double-sided attack. A loss of connectivity to ley lines means animals are more easily disoriented. All creatures are impacted. They are showing it differently but every creature exhibiting the [strange or worrisome] behavior is trying to acclimate. Humans are doing this, too, but it is less obvious when it’s within your own species.
What is the solution? How do we help?
Everything you need lies beneath your feet.
Connecting Humans Back to Ley Lines.
The High Priestess (HP) was the representative for humanity, and she embodies the same symbolism of a snake but in human form: Metamorphosis, ancient wisdom, psychic prowess. She spoke to those who can see that something is off or different with the animals, the ones who sense that these behaviors cannot be rationalized away.
She stressed that humans who are ready to serve should do so. There are humans who can serve in the same capacity as Snake, who can be the retrievers of ley line wisdom for the balancing of Earth. She noted that these people are not new and have historically gone by healer, witch, gardener, medicine (wo)man, sage, good listener, intuitive, visionary, creative, shaman, dreamer, those who can see and sense. These individuals can hear directly from Earth and help bring energy onto the physical plane so that other creatures can be guided to what they need to survive and thrive.
If you are curious, you are ready.
The process offered was one that brings humans back to ley lines. Start with land you know, and if you don’t have a relationship with land, sit under a tree that you find welcoming and put your feet and hands into the soil. This is how you greet Earth and shake hands with it. Do not expect anything, just get to know each other. If you already have land that knows you, if you are accustomed to sitting with Earth in some way already, place your hands into a cool part of the soil. The left hand is the receiver of energy.
Place your left hand into the soil and dig a line so that there is a hill on each side, similar to if you are planting a seed. Place your palm in this space and allow communication to flow. You will feel the communication come through, HP assured. As the connectivity grows between you and Earth, the ley line wisdom will naturally activate. Pay attention, because this is what’s most important:
From here, you could be asked to do any number of things — pick up trash in your neighborhood, sell certain items in your home, go to a particular event, write a poem. It may not make sense to the logical mind. But when you follow through on the instructions, you bring the ley line energy onto Earth, similar to Snake. This sets into motion the energetic wisdom of the planet, prompting it to heal.
Connection to ley lines can be felt as a pulsing, or you may hear or see messages. Everyone’s intuition will work differently and Earth will work with each person to deliver messages in ways that resonate with one’s intuition.
I asked how to best explain this for those who might not be familiar with it. I was told that the palms of the hands, arches of the feet, crown chakra, base of the spine, and top end of the spine [pineal gland] are like fingerprints to Earth in that each person has a unique one that Earth can scan and recognize. The retinas also carry this encoding, and it is important for humans to know that they can stare into Earth to discharge energy from things like face and fingerprint technology. This technology is actually mirroring what Earth is coded to do — to recognize each of you through your energetic signature.
“Everything You Need Lies Beneath Your Feet.”
Snake was adamant in saying that humans who wish to support and help need to see us as powerful and capable of this evolutionary process. Part of that means remembering we are not on the peripheral of this expansion, but actively a part of it as one of Earth’s complex systems working to heal and repair both itself and the whole.
Snake pointed out that when Earth caught my attention byway of a small dead fox on a balmy humid morning, the intuitive nudge to keep digging was an expression of the very process this article now describes. Your instruction was to seek answers and then share those answers. In doing so, you brought ley line energy above-ground. This is now something others can do. In participating in this way, humans will activate and affirm powerful, needed medicine: Healing is not eventually possible, but actively underway.