Surviving Venus Retrograde in Leo: Dates, Transits, & Significance

Venus' four-month retrograde is teaching us about values, worth, and dignity, but not without a little drama first.

Venus Retrograde: What is it & What’s in Store?

When Venus retrogrades every 18-months, we’re offered the chance to mindfully review the planet’s key themes as they relate to our lived experiences. Venus is the ruler of both Taurus and Libra, signs known for comfort, diplomacy, money, partnership, and beauty. With the upcoming Venus Retrograde (Rx) in 2023, we can expect some of these themes to be present, but how the energies might express themselves is very individual.

Venus Retrograde: To Fear or Not to Fear?

Some astrological narratives suggest that Venus retrogrades are ripe with conflict, break-ups, money woes, and friendship fallouts. Does Venus Rx mean things will get hairier with a weird female boss you already can’t stand? Maybe! Wait, are you the weird boss? It wouldn’t be a retrograde without a few sobering realizations.

The take-away here is that astrology always works within a range of energy, and so even if we can’t control or guess all of the ways in which themes will play out, we can still use retrogrades to cultivate self-awareness about what we need and want. I personally think of retrogrades as cosmic invitations; by the end of ‘em, there’s always some space for us to emerge more clear, confident, and empowered. This article is meant to help you start that process and get an understanding of the patterns and themes at-play.

Venus Retrograde in Leo Overview

Venus Rx in Leo will weave the Leo threads of joy, creativity, recognition, leadership, and confidence into the Venus tapestry of friendships, romance, money, and how we partner and relate to ourselves & others.

An empowered expression of Venus in Leo is the embodiment of confidence, gentle and ethical leadership, and an inner sense of security and worthiness that radiates out. Leo is a sign that needs recognition, so this may be a theme during the retrograde period. Are your contributions recognized? Is your labor compensated? What seems to be invisible to others, yet is strenuous or consuming to you? Leo teaches us that recognition, even in the form of ‘thank you’, is a valid need.

As an archetypal energy, Venus in Leo is also learning to be self-secure in a way that allows it to shine authentically from the inside-out; this can sometimes be thwarted though by short-term, immediate joys which may not always be around months down the road (inadvertently creating a cycle of chasing the rewards ‘out there’). Retrogrades generally offer us the chance to take our time with situations that arise, and this can be especially strategic for Venus in Leo, as the transit will no doubt prompt shifts that require attention.

Remember - astrological energies are expressed within a range, so these themes can be played out anywhere on the spectrum. You may find that your need for recognition is excessive, and so the lesson lies in cultivating inner recognition. Conversely, you may be silently carrying a team and needing management or a partner to collaborate differently. House placements are everything when we’re talking about transits, so you’ll want to look up the house(s) in your birth chart that Leo rules to get a clearer picture on where these themes will be expressed most prominently (or book an astrology consult).

Venus Retrograde in Leo: Dates & Transits

Let’s get into the specifics! Venus will retrograde from 28° to 12°of Leo, and the energy runs from June 19, 2023 through October 7, 2023. The Venus Rx cycle has four stages:

  • Pre-retrograde shadow period, which begins June 19, 2023 when Venus reaches 12° Leo. Things begin bubbling beneath the surface.

  • Retrograde period begins at 28° Leo on July 22, 2023. We’re in it.

  • Venus stations direct at 12°Leo on September 3, 2023. We’re coming up for air and finding our path forward.

  • Venus leaves the retrograde shadow once it reaches 28° Leo on October 7, 2023. Onward!

If you have fixed sign placements (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), this retrograde will carry a heavier influence in your chart and experiences. Whichever house(s) are ruled by Leo in your chart will be the main hub of activity, but don’t overlook your Taurus, and Libra houses, too; these are Venus-ruled and thus, linked to the energy trail of this retrograde cycle.

Venus Retrograde in Leo Transits

While Venus reworks the parts of our chart that contain 12°-28° of Leo, the planet will also make aspects to other transiting energies in the sky. These guarantee change in some form or another. For the transits below, I’m incorporating the full retrograde period (June 19, 2023 - October 7, 2023); whether Venus is retrograde (Rx) or direct (D) at the time of the transit is indicated. This is more intermediate astrology so if you’re confused about how to find this in your chart, opt to review the summaries of the energies instead.

Venus in Leo Squares Jupiter in Taurus

This carries the energy of wanting to do it all, and the Leo/Taurus signatures could push a heavy materialism, spending, and keeping-up-with-the-Jones’ vibe. Be mindful to not over-commit, emotionally or financially, and try to notice if you’re sinking into that space of feeling like you need to prove, chase, or cling to something or someone. The energies build for a few days before and after, but here’s when they’re exact:

  • 8/22/23: Venus (Rx) squares Jupiter in Taurus at 15°18.

  • 9/17/23: Venus (D) squares Jupiter in Taurus at 15°18.

Venus in Leo Trines Chiron in Aries

This is the boost of courage we all deserve, and it’s hard-fought from past healing efforts when Chiron is involved. Trines harmonize and open the energy, and Chiron’s influence can be especially healing to our heart and sense of confidence. Write down three really badass things about yourself on these dates and believe them. Energies build for a few days before and after, but here’s when they’re exact:

  • 6/29/23: Venus (D) trines Chiron in Aries at 19°43.

  • 8/14/23: Venus (Rx) trines Chiron in Aries at 19°45.

  • 9/23/23: Venus (D) trines Chiron in Aries at 18°28.

Venus in Leo Squares Uranus in Taurus

Uranus ultimately pushes us to greater freedom, but our readiness to surrender and release expectations greatly influences how we experience Uranus’ presence. During these squares, money could feel unstable or unknown. Don’t let this terrify you, though. There are many types of resources, and I encourage you to tap into networks, faith, and/or non-traditional (Uranus) resources (Taurus) if faced with tough choices on the money front. There is an opportunity in this energy to let your financial limitations, while uncomfortable, also be portals to new paradigms around support and resources, ones that heal and uproot internalized capitalism simultaneously. Remember: Money is one thing, worth is another.

Energies build for a few days before and after, but here’s when they’re exact:

  • 7/2/23: Venus (D) squares Uranus in Taurus at 21°46.

  • 8/9/23: Venus (Rx) squares Uranus in Taurus at 22°55.

  • 9/29/23: Venus (D) squares Uranus in Taurus at 22°40.

Uranus transits our charts to set us free from things that are ultimately too restrictive in the long run. A breakthrough will come from the shifts we experience during these squares, and it’s entirely possible that we look back on this summer with appreciation for where it led us (once we’re out of the immediate tension, of course).

Past Activations and Timelines

While Venus retrogrades every 18-months, it does not consistently retrograde through the same astrological sign. The last time Venus retrograded through the sign of Leo was July 2015 - September 2015; this is significant because the 2023 retrograde can point to an evolution of consciousness or ongoing storylines since it’s activating the same part of your birth chart as the 2015 retrograde. Who were you then, and who are you now?

The 2023 retrograde will also activate the solar eclipse that occurred in August 2017 at 28° Leo.

Final Thoughts & What’s Next

Because Venus plays such a quintessential role in our money and relationships, we can harness the retrograde prompts to review things with honesty and softness. Ultimately, Venus wants us to have happier and healthier relationships, and so the retrograde can serve as a reality check about when and where that’s actuallyhappening. Lean into the parts of you that desire harmony, and see where this leads. It is rarely achieved, longer-term, through avoidance and denying our needs. It’s never a bad time to learn new communication techniques, or to set new standards for friends and lovers alike … and the Venus Retrograde in Leo might just be the nudge that gets us working on what’s more pertinent for the road ahead.

If you’re interested in learning more about your Venus placement, how the retrograde transit might be working with your chart, or any other topic, you’re encouraged to book a private consult.

Catherine Wilson

Cat is a hypnotist, astrologer, and energy healing practitioner. She has built a unique practice that combines her background in public health and research methods with her spiritual intrigue and interests. She has more than 12 years of experience weaving the worlds of logic and reason with spirituality and mysticism. She believes it is at the intersection of logic and intuition that profound change occurs.

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